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Microsoft's cybersecurity team actively encourages users to stop using Internet Explorer - Edge is now the default browser installed on Windows 10

Make smarter, data-driven decisions

Contact Flipjack to discover how you can use business intelligence (BI), to transform data into actionable insights that helps inform your organisation’s strategic and tactical business decisions.

Use smarter tools for the results that matter.

Book a Business Intelligence consultation with us today


How BI can help companies

Remotely analyse your data when using Business Intelligence. With access to real time data, your team can quickly and accurately monitor and assess information for your business, identifying opportunities and improving business outcomes.

Business Intelligence

A few ways that business intelligence can help companies make smarter, data-driven decisions:

  1. Identify ways to increase profit
  2. Analyse customer behaviour
  3. Compare data with competitors
  4. Track performance
  1. Optimise operations
  2. Predict success
  3. Spot market trends
  4. Discover issues or problems
Improve your data with us
person working

Can you migrate with our system?

Our migration tools work in collaboration with a variety of legacy Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Systems, we can create bespoke connector for specialist systems.

View our list of to see if we can migrate your legacy system online.

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